Fourteen years have passed since the release of the first Pirates of the Caribbean. The curse of the Black Pearl came out in June 2003, paving the way for one of the longest and most profitable franchise of recent times. The new chapter, Dead man tells no tales, is doing really well in the foreign box offices, but this does not mean that navigation is smooth. Excuse the nautical metaphors, but the ship ships water and it’s just a matter of time before it’ll sinks.

Did we really feel the need for another film in which Johny Depp plays an eccentric character with a slightly gay walk? Did we really need to see Orlando Bloom forced to give up the sex symbol status to Brenton Thwaites? Not to mention the poor Keira Knightley (the only one who passes the test of time) forced here, probably for contractual constraints, to be in two scenes without even saying a word. Did we really need that? No, absolutely no.

Not to mention the horrible plot: 129 minutes filled with everything, except nothing really happens. A long series of forced subplots where nothing makes sense and seems only necessary to fill the useless two hours. Half way through you can not help but wonder how much this torture will last. Films like this this one shows that no enormous amount of special effects or cast filled with huge stars can overcome the lack of the most important thing: a solid script.

Dead man tells no tales was probably thought as a new beginning for the franchise. After a fourth chapter that did great at the box office, but wasn’t well received by the critics, this new movie just shows all the limits of the Pirates of the Caribbean. A tired franchise that died a long time ago. Thanks but no thanks Disney.