Orecchie by Alessandro Aronadio is a movie you do not expect. A small big Italian film. Small in its production means and distribution, big in the inspiration with which it was created. A man wakes up with an annoying whistle in his ears and a post-it on the fridge. Alice, her girlfriend, left him and tells him about the death of her friend Luigi. The problem is that the protagonist has no idea who Luigi is. So begins his day, during which, among a thousand oddities, he will try to understand the origin of the whistle, what has gone wrong with Alice and who Luigi is.

To be honest while watching this film you get a “homemade vibe”, handcrafted so to speak, but this is by no means a bad thing. Orecchie hits every point a good movie should hit: it’s funny, it’s intriguing, and it makes you think. So, if you have the chance, go to the cinema and watch this movie: you won’t regret it.